If you wish to bring more than eight (8) guests with you to party at the Beach Club, renting one of the seven (7) pavilions is the way to go! (All other picnic tables, pavilions, etc. throughout Stonebridge Ranch are available on a first-come, first-serve basis, including those at the Aquatic Center.) If a Beach Club pavilion has not been rented for private use, it is available to beachgoers during pool hours on a first-come, first-serve basis.

- During open hours on non-holidays (2023 calendar coming soon), Beach Club pavilions may be reserved during two time slots, either from 10 AM to 1 PM or from 2 PM to 5 PM. When the pool is open from Noon to 5 PM, only the 2 PM to 5 PM slot is available.
- Homeowners may reserve no more than two (2) picnic pavilions for private use per day.
- Tenants may reserve a pavilion only if they have completed a Transfer of Privileges with the homeowner.
- Corporate parties at pavilions during pool hours are limited to Tuesday through Friday.
- Homeowners must make their pavilion reservation in person at the association office (6201 Virginia Parkway, M-F 8:30 AM to 5 PM) at least 3 business days in advance. (For example, if you want to rent a pavilion for a Saturday, you need to do so by the Wednesday before.) The reservation is not complete until renter has paid the rental fee and submitted the Pavilion Rental Agreement.
- The weekday pavilion rental fee is $50 per pavilion. The weekend rental fee is $80 per pavilion. We accept only check or money order (no cash or credit cards).
- A max of 25 people may enter the Beach Club under the Pavilion Rental Agreement. Note that guests fees apply. See the Beach Club webpage for more detail regarding guest fees.
- The homeowner renting a pavilion must bring a guest list to provide to the gate guards or stand at the gate to confirm their guests until all arrive.
- If a homeowner wants to bring in catered food during pavilion rental, they must obtain prior permission as part of their paperwork. (Exception: fast food delivery such as pizza does not need to be pre-approved.)
- Beach Club pavilions are not available for rent on Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, or Stonebridge Ranch Day. During these swim holidays, the pavilions may be used on a first-come, first-served basis.