We are happy to announce that the Board of Directors of the Stonebridge Ranch Community Association (SRCA) has approved the launch of an official Facebook group to help residents stay informed. You’re invited! Read ahead for key details about the group.
The direct link to the group is https://www.facebook.com/groups/250390076027824/. Because there are multiple Facebook pages and groups with ‘Stonebridge Ranch’ in the name, you may not be able to find ours on your first try using the Facebook “search” function. You’ll know you’ve arrived when you see the photo of our Beach Club as depicted in the image at the bottom of this page.
The Facebook group setting is public. Anyone can visit the link above to see posts in our feed. We will also admit anyone who clicks the blue ‘+Join Group’ button. Why? Because one of our key values is to make information readily available to current residents, as well as to Realtors and prospective homeowners. We believe transparency helps contribute to property values and can aid you in maintaining or selling your home.

When you ask to join the official SRCA Facebook group, you will be asked three optional questions. These are: ‘What is your status in the community (i.e. homeowner, household member, tenant, Realtor, prospective resident/other’); ‘What’s one question you have about our association or community?’; and ‘What is your favorite thing about Stonebridge Ranch?’
If you choose to answer, we greatly appreciate it! The Communications Committee will utilize the answers to help us understand our audience better and determine possible topics for future communications.

If you have a personal Facebook account, please take the extra step of joining if you want our posts to show up in your Notification feed. This ensures our posts will come to you in real time on the platform. You can voluntarily choose to opt out of the group at any time.
When you ask to join, you will see a hard-coded message above the optional questions which says: “Your membership is pending approval. Answer these questions from the group admins to help them review your membership. Only the admins and moderators will see your answers.”
You may not receive immediate admittance simply because our group admin will monitor the Facebook group as other daily communication tasks permit. Please be patient. The admin will respond to join requests in the order they are received and only during business hours. Note that your answers to the optional questions will have no bearing on your membership.

Posts in the official SRCA Facebook group are closed to comments. This policy ensures the protection of homeowner privacy, which is of utmost importance to us. It further guarantees that only factual and verified information regarding SRCA services and operations will be shared in our feed. It also supports the most efficient use of our staff time and professional resources. Read the group’s User Policy & Guidelines for more info.
As always, for questions related to our association or your property or account, please call 214-733-5800, fill out the ‘Submit a Question’ form, or email STONEB@Ciramail.com. Staff members at the SRCA office (6201 Virginia Parkway) are available Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 5 PM to assist you.