The City of McKinney maintains a network of hike and bike trails and sidewalks throughout Stonebridge Ranch. As the City website notes, the pathways are “available for fitness and enjoyment, and more are planned.” Visit the City website for a map of all parks and trails. Please also read ahead for important courtesy information regarding golf cart usage, walking your pets, and general sidewalk use in Stonebridge Ranch.
The City of McKinney and the Stonebridge Ranch Community Association (SRCA) follow state regulations regarding golf carts. A golf cart may NOT be operated on a sidewalk.
A golf cart is allowed on a public roadway when:
- Operated in compliance within a master planned community,* such as Stonebridge Ranch, Eldorado, Craig Ranch and Custer West. Or, operated for traveling to and from a golf course during daytime within two miles of the location where the golf cart is kept, usually the owner’s residence.
- Where the posted speed limit of the street is 35 mph or less. There are two (2) exceptions to this rule. First, the posted speed limit does not apply when the golf cart is operated in compliance within a master planned community.* Second, a golf cart may cross intersections that include a street with a posted speed limit of more than 35 mph.
A golf cart must have:
- A slow-moving vehicle emblem affixed to the rear and be built in compliance with applicable federal regulations. Registration, inspection and insurance are specifically waived under state law.
A driver of a golf cart must:
- Possess a valid driver license.
- Follow the same traffic laws as cars, including regulatory signs and the use of directional or hand signals when making turns and stops.
*So, what exactly does “operated in compliance with” our master-planned community mean? In Stonebridge Ranch, this means that residents may operate their golf carts on public roadways–importantly for golfers accessing the courses, this includes on 40 mph streets–when:
- The driver possesses a valid driver’s license.
- The cart has a visible slow-moving emblem.
- The driver follows all traffic laws.
Carts may not be used for such activities as underage/unlicensed joyriding and may not be operated on sidewalks.
Regarding enforcement, “the McKinney Police Department may issue a traffic citation against any person the officer has probable cause to believe has violated these or other regulations, whether the offending person is a juvenile or adult.” If you have questions regarding the use of golf carts, contact the McKinney Police Department at 972-547-2700.

Pets are vital members of many Stonebridge Ranch families. When exercising your pet on shared sidewalks, please take care with your animal to avoid inconveniencing your neighbors.
- Pets are required to be on a hand-held leash “no more than six feet in length” at all times by McKinney Leash Law. This law applies even when you are walking your dog through open common areas and parks within Stonebridge Ranch, not just while you’re walking on a sidewalk.
- Owners are responsible for picking up after their pets. The City of McKinney does have a “pooper scooper” law, so be sure to bring trash bags on your walks and carry debris with you to the nearest trash receptacle. This law applies even when you are walking your dog through open common areas and parks within Stonebridge Ranch, not just while you’re walking on a sidewalk.
- Take care to keep your pets close to you. Please restrain and train your pet to prevent jumping, lunging, barking, and other unwanted behaviors.

Residents in Stonebridge Ranch use City sidewalks for a variety of purposes, including jogging, walking, pushing children in strollers, exercising pets, etc. Some of us may have different ideas about what constitutes sidewalk etiquette, so we’ve compiled a general list of ways to be kind to your neighbors. The more we look out for each other, the safer and happier we’ll all be when using shared walkways!
- Stay to the right and make room for others.
- If you wish to pass someone from behind, audibly announce your presence as you approach (especially if you are moving at a much higher speed). Don’t cut too closely when passing.
- Pay attention to your surroundings. Don’t play music so loudly on personal earphones that you can’t hear others approaching behind you.
- Don’t walk and text/watch videos/etc. at the same time.
- Do your best to avoid stopping suddenly.
- Don’t fill the width of the path when walking in groups.
- Don’t leave trash or debris on or around sidewalks.