There are several golf courses located in convenient proximity to Stonebridge Ranch. However, the Stonebridge Ranch Community Association (SRCA) does not own, operate, or oversee any country clubs or golf courses as part of our amenity portfolio. Residents may not use their Stonebridge Ranch IDs to access the clubs and courses adjacent to our villages. Because we do not own the golf courses that wind their way through our neighborhoods, please note the following:
- Only registered golf players may utilize the golf course trails and open areas; these are not to be used by Stonebridge Ranch residents for walking, jogging, exercising pets, etc.
- Golf course lakes and ponds are not to be used by residents for fishing. (Swimming is also not permitted in any of these bodies of water.)
- If you wish to utilize country club and golf course facilities in our area, please see below. For your convenience, we have listed the contact information for the organizations located nearest to our own villages and common areas.

Clubs at Stonebridge Ranch
McKinney, TX 75070
The Dye Golf Club Website
Clubs at Stonebridge Ranch
The Hills at Stonebridge Ranch 5901 Glen Oaks Drive McKinney, TX 75070
The Hills Golf Club Website
WestRidge Golf Course
The City of McKinney and the Stonebridge Ranch Community Association (SRCA) follow state regulations regarding golf carts. Golf carts are allowed on public roads in our community when the following criteria are met.
A golf cart is allowed on a public roadway when:
- A golfer operates it for traveling to and from a golf course during daytime hours, within two miles of the location where the golf cart is kept (usually the owner’s residence).
- Where the posted speed limit of the street is 35 mph or less. There are two exceptions to the 35 mph rule. First, the posted speed limit does not apply when the golf cart is operated in compliance within a master planned community (see below* for details on what compliance means in Stonebridge Ranch). Second, a golf cart may cross intersections that include a street with a posted speed limit of more than 35 mph.
- A golf cart must have a slow-moving vehicle emblem affixed to the rear and be built in compliance with applicable federal regulations. Registration, inspection and insurance are specifically waived under state law.
- A driver of a golf cart must also possess a valid driver license and follow the same traffic laws as cars, including observing regulatory signs and using directional or hand signals when making turns and stops.
*So, what exactly does “operated in compliance with” our master-planned community mean? In Stonebridge Ranch, this means that residents may operate their golf carts on public roadways–importantly for golfers accessing the courses, this includes on 40 mph streets–when:
- The driver possesses a valid driver’s license.
- The cart has a visible slow-moving emblem.
- The driver follows all traffic laws.
Carts may not be used for such activities as underage/unlicensed joyriding and may not be operated on sidewalks.
Regarding enforcement, “the McKinney Police Department may issue a traffic citation against any person the officer has probable cause to believe has violated these or other regulations, whether the offending person is a juvenile or adult.” If you have questions regarding the use of golf carts, contact the McKinney Police Department at 972-547-2700.