The owner of a Stonebridge Ranch residential property uses the Transfer of Privleges form (linked at the bottom of this page) to transfer their SRCA amenity privileges to their tenant household annually. The form must be completed each year by both the owner and the tenant. (Per SRCA Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions >, residential properties in Stonebridge Ranch may be rented only in their entirety—no partial home or single-room rentals are permitted—and they may be rented for a period no less than six months.)
To transfer privileges, the owner of record must be in “good standing” (i.e. have a balance less than $50) on their SRCA account. An owner can check their account balance via their Resident Portal >.

- Along with the Transfer of Privileges form, a $100 processing fee must be paid at the SRCA office (6201 Virginia Parkway). The fee is payable by check or money order only—make it payable to “SRCA”.
- The SRCA does not mediate which party (the owner or the tenant) pays the $100 fee.
- The fee is due in full no matter the date of submission—no prorated fees are available.
- The owner of the property is responsible for any fees incurred by a returned check.

- All tenant ID cards expire on April 30th of the following year. Residents must submit a new form and pay the $100 processing fee to renew at that time.
- For the duration of the transfer, the privileges are available only to the permanent members of the tenant household, and the owner of record retains no amenity privileges for that season.
- Each permanent member of the tenant household must show proof of residency. Adults age 18+ must show a Texas Driver’s license with Stonebridge Ranch address AND a billing statement with Stonebridge Ranch address. Children age 0-17 must show a Birth Certificate or Vital Record, Adoption Certificate, and/or Passport.
- Lost or stolen cards may NOT be replaced, and the SRCA issues NO refunds.

- The owner of record must sign their portion of the form—it may not be signed by a representative of a property management company. The tenant must also sign the form. (See page two of the form linked at the bottom of this page.)
- Forms may be emailed to STONEB@Ciramail.com > or delivered to the SRCA office at 6201 Virginia Parkway. Office hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (If you so choose, during non-office hours you may leave the form and $100 check or money order in the mail slot by the front door.)
- Forms are not processed until the SRCA receives the $100 processing fee. Upon receipt, processing may take 3 to 5 business days. Forms are not processed on weekends.
- We will contact the tenant when the tenant ID cards are ready for pick-up at the office. The tenant must pick them up in person during office hours by showing proof of identification (such as a Texas driver’s license).

The Transfer of Privileges form does NOT does not serve as a Change of Address. If an owner needs to make a change of address, they may do so at any time in their Resident Portal>. Alternatively, they may call the SRCA office at 214-733-5800 (available Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.).