Stonebridge Ranch is home to 75 different villages. These neighborhoods provide a wide selection of architectural styles, home sizes and price ranges. All villages in Stonebridge Ranch are part of the main Stonebridge Ranch Community Association (SRCA). Each homeowner in each village has the same rights and privileges to use all common areas owned by the SRCA, including the pocket parks located in different neighborhoods throughout the community.

To protect the original look and feel of each village, each neighborhood has it’s own design guidelines which govern exterior home improvement projects. When homeowners in Stonebridge Ranch consider adding or upgrading an exterior feature of their home, they need to be sure to adhere to the SRCA Modification Design Guidelines as well as the guidelines specific to their village. Both sets of standards are part of our community’s governing documents. Many exterior home improvements require the approval of a Modification Application by the Modifications Committee.

A number of our villages have their own sub-associations which oversee areas of maintenance or operation specific to a single neighborhood. These sub-associations assess their own dues to homeowners in their villages.
The distinction between the main homeowner’s association (the SRCA), the sub-division guidelines for each village, and the sub-associations is important for potential residents and Realtors to understand. Though no two villages in Stonebridge Ranch are alike, all contribute to the cohesive look and feel of a community which covers more than 5,000 acres!