The Stonebridge Ranch Community Association (SRCA) does not permit the placement of unauthorized signs in shared common areas. This includes areas such as medians, landscaped beds at village entrances, our parks and playgrounds, etc. SRCA courtesy patrol officers monitor common areas seven days a week to protect against maintenance issues, debris, and clutter. As part of this everyday care, they keep all common areas free of unauthorized signs by removing them immediately. Unauthorized signs are not salvaged.
For guidelines regarding signs in SRCA common area, see the Common Properties Signage Policy linked at the bottom of this webpage. (For details on the type of signs permitted in the yards of individual residences, see Section 9.7 of the SRCA Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and the list of permitted signage in the “Signs” section of the Modification Design Guidelines. Both documents are located on our Governing Documents webpage.)
As always, if a homeowner has questions about compliance relating to their specific property, we encourage them to call the association office at 214-733-5800 to speak with the compliance coordinator assigned to their village.