Many Stonebridge Ranch homeowners enjoy friendly and productive relationships with their neighbors. The association encourages all residents, both property owners and renting tenants, to meet and greet each other and lend a helping hand when needed. Below are links to several Stonebridge Ranch News articles celebrating the positivity that results when neighbors reach out and connect one-on-one with each other. Further below, you’ll find info about neighborhood block parties.
As part of association operations, there is one instance in which the neighbor relationship is formalized to ensure good will. If you share a fence or retaining wall along a lot line with a neighbor, and if you need to replace, move or alter that structure, the association requires both property owners to sign the Neighbor Acknowledgement Form linked below. Filling out this form ensures that both homeowners are aware of the impending construction work on their property line. (Note: the form does not mediate who should pay for the work to be completed on shared fence lines or retaining walls. This must be determined between the neighbors themselves.)
As a common courtesy, even if you are completing exterior construction work that doesn’t affect the property line, it’s a good idea to inform your neighbors to ensure as little inconvenience for them as possible.

Pre-COVID 19, many villages in Stonebridge Ranch hosted neighborhood block parties at various times throughout the year. Though the SRCA does not sponsor such events, when it is safe to do so, we encourage neighbors to spread good will and thank all residents who take the initiative to organize and host block parties. National Night Out, which takes place annually during the first week of August, is one of the most popular dates for block parties in our community. If you want to organize a block party for your village (when social distancing is no longer recommended by health authorities), here’s a few best practices to keep in mind:
- Association common areas such as parks and playgrounds may be used–but may not be reserved–for block parties and similar events. (The SRCA reserves and rents only the Beach Club Pavilions > and the Community Room > for resident events.)
- When utilizing SRCA common area for a party, be sure to clean up afterwards and leave the common area in good condition for others. Please do not overflow common area trash cans with debris from a party, as this can cause unsecured trash to blow through your neighborhood.
- Be aware of your party noise level. See the City of McKinney > for information regarding noise disturbances.
- Do your best to get the word out about your party to all your fellow villagers. Most block party organizers use both flyers and social media to share party invites with their neighbors.